Correct/update for #243:"If you put all the streets in New York City in a straight line, they would stretch to Japan."
I’m not sure I understand what you mean, is it merely the wording?
Yep, just a minor difference in the phrasing.
Done, Thank You for the help!
I have a #216 bottle cap that misspells "Arctic" as "Artic"
I have the same one wih Artic
just got real fact 718: On average, a strawberry has 200 seeds on it.
hey, go here for an updated list
I have bottle cap #887.
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Correct/update for #243:
"If you put all the streets in New York City in a straight line, they would stretch to Japan."
I’m not sure I understand what you mean, is it merely the wording?
Yep, just a minor difference in the phrasing.
Done, Thank You for the help!
I have a #216 bottle cap that misspells "Arctic" as "Artic"
I have the same one wih Artic
just got real fact 718: On average, a strawberry has 200 seeds on it.
hey, go here for an updated list
I have bottle cap #887.
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